
Massive apologies, we are moving office to Mainland Spain.  We will be closed for a short time during this transition. 

Microphone Choker Necklace on Braided Cord Choker - Choose Your Style!

Microphone Choker Necklace "Sleek 'n' Silver" style Microphone Choker Necklace "Sleek 'n' Silver" style Microphone Choker Necklace "Slimline" style Microphone Choker Necklace "Funky & Chunky" style Microphone Choker Necklace "Sleek 'n' Silver" style Microphone Choker Necklace
Microphone Choker Necklace on Braided Cord Choker - Choose Your Style!
Only 7 available
Style ( Braided Cord Only)
Cord Length

Microphone on Braided Cord Choker - Choose Your Style!

This is a fabulous quality highly plated silver black and silver microphone which I have added to our cord options to make a real "Statement" piece.

Perfect for our vocalists or budding karaoke singers!

The microphone is approx 3.1cms and in this listing we have teamed up your microphone with our 4mm faux leather braided cord.

You can really go to town and jazz this microphone up by choosing your own style from the options below.

1.  "SLIMLINE" which keeps the microphone simple on the 4mm cord

2.  "SLEEK 'n' SILVER" for the ultimate sleek silver look using silver colour spacer tubes.

3.  "FUNKY & CHUNKY" style using our silver coloured spacer tubes and some funky and chunky black beads for that contrasting design.

Our 4mm cord uses a nice solid clasp and all pieces of jewellery will come wrapped in a black velvet gift bag.

This microphone does also come in a different design with silver chain options for a totally different look!


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